Monday, January 19, 2009

Historic Addresses

Select an inaugural address or farewell address from any president in American history. Then, in a thoughtfully composed essay, explain the relevance of the selected address in modern society. You must also directly refer to at least one current event through a related news article.

Here are a few suggested addresses:

Lincoln's second inaugural address (the Civil War and slavery were almost over; Lincoln spoke of sadness, the Divine will and more. This is one of the most famous speeches in American history)
This blog entry will be worth up to 40 points, according to the following guidelines:

Clarity: Complete, elegant thesis that answers the question and lays out the organization of the essay? Does the writing act as an efficient & thoughtful guide through the author's points and to a powerful conclusion?
Evidence: Does the author thoughtfully select relevant pieces of direct evidence to support his/her thesis and topic sentences?
Structure: Is all of the writing logically and systematically structured? Does the author use topic sentences to frame paragraphs? Does the structure support the overall message of the writing?
Citations: Does the author use professional citations whenever necessary?

This blog entry is due at 3:30 on 1/23/09.

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